Monday, November 5, 2012

East Coast vs. West Coast: Beauty Edition

I stumbled upon an interesting blog post from Allure magazine that looks at the differences in beauty routines for women living on different sides of the country. I enjoyed it so I wanted to share it.

Also, who knew that even brows shapes are influences by geographic location. Another great post from Allure! Check it out here. There are also some great brow grooming tips, which are always helpful!

West Coast or East Coast Brow?

I love the California girl, natural look, but I don't think I am able to pull it off. I am a very (very!!) pale east coast girl who needs her cover-up, blush and mascara on a daily basis in order to look awake (and alive, for that matter). The one place where I follow the west coast beauty routine is the beach. It's not natural for anyone to be at the beach with a full face of makeup on and I don't care how "waterproof" your mascara is. Once you dive into the water,  say hello to raccoon eyes.

So is your beauty routine east coast or west coast?

East Coast Beauty vs. West Coast Beauty

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